If you're currently reading this report, I'm assuming that you're interested in boosting your average.
I have averaged over 200 and am a 210 average bowler. I am a Level I coach and have coached plenty of people helping up to 50 hooks to maximize their averages!
I've had several coaches that have all led me down their correct paths, and have discovered that no matter how much I tried to imitate them; ultimately I had to have my personality...
What's style that is bowling? Method is how you approach your bowling shot. What you do before getting on the strategy, what you do the way you release the ball, and when you get on the approach, you hold the ball you make your plan. The style is bowling technique to throw the ball down the lane. I have never seen you bowl and don't know you, so I can't let you know what your style is. I can provide you with what you will need to do that you're more consistent in your style, thus improving your scores pointers.
Are you serious about getting? You really to do what it takes to get? Have you got the time?
If you can answer yes to the questions above you're prepared to work on form and your style. If you can't, then you're in bowling to have fun... That isn't a bad thing... But do not believe that without working at it you will improve (that statement is true with whatever you do, incidentally).
Then this report is for you if you answered yes above. gobowlingalley
You'll want to develop your own style of bowling to increase your bowling. This isn't to say that you must a technique a style, you have to find one that you're comfortable with. Some people like the 4 step approach for instance. Form is a necessity for consistency. You practice and are able to read all sorts of people's styles and not bowl well. At some stage in your career as a bowler, go with that, and you'll want to make a decision on which you are comfortable with. This isn't the same as one person's style, and it's a combination of all of the styles that you tried and have seen to mimic.
Before getting to this stage, however, you'll have to watch bowlers which are better than you (rather higher average bowlers) and their there fashions to the best of your ability. Don't be afraid to ask a average bowler. If you start to ask different people you will become frustrated and confused as these higher average bowlers each have a style. You're better off talking to one individual whom you feel with a style that you believe that you could handle doing or that you could imitate. The majority of the average bowlers whom I know are willing to help out whenever they see someone.
As soon as you've begun to imitate the bowling of somebody else, you'll have to watch what you're doing from the point when you approach the ball return to receive your ball till you deliver the ball. Where it's thrown, you can command your release, and it's thrown, that is all. This is what fashion is all about.
There are 3 components to a shot. Pre-shot (before getting on the approach), approach (measures), and discharge (the way the ball is released on the lanes. Your style is a mixture of these three. You go, pick the ball up and might be a bowler. You study the lane might be a bowler, wipe your ball, stand on the strategy and rethink everything, slow steps, and slow discharge. Your consistency will be determined by your personality. If you're a bowler another a bowler one time, and something in between the time, you won't ever be consistent. Design is the part of the pie that you need thusly your scores, and so as to increase your consistency.
Your scores will improve with the of your own style. I've always found that by being consistent in my bowling style, I have games. My scores reflect that, when I'm inconsistent, especially when I get mad.
I hope that this report has helped you to understand the importance of style. Without your style, which you're comfortable with, you'll have a hard time. But remember that bowling is supposed to be enjoyable!!!

Keep having fun and bowling,
